I.S.I.F. S.R.L. has provided Hot Tapping and Drilling services all over Europe on numerous types of fluid distribution pipelines, at pressures of up to 24 Bar, maximum temperatures of 90°C and diameters of up to 16”.
The work was carried out using their own systems and technologies, which allow the execution of repairs and maintenance without interrupting the supply service, through the installation of a bypass between the interception points.

The types of services that the company has provided over the years can be classed in two categories: the first involves the mechanical management of plugging systems, and the second, the execution of welding on pipelines contaminated by flammable and explosive fluids.

Over the years, I.S.I.F. has manufactured and marketed mechanical equipment for the execution of interventions on fluid distribution networks, such as the Lock Line series (an I.S.I.F. patented system), consisting of a complete range of equipment for fluid flow stoppage in pipe diameters from DN 1” to DN 16”, with nominal working pressures of 16-24 Bar, machines for drilling holes in pipes of any material and with diameters from DN 1” to DN 24”, equipment for stopping fluids at low-pressures from 0.04 bar up to 0.5 bar and, finally, a complete series of fittings for the use of the equipment described above.

With its wealth of experience and innovative ideas, I.S.I.F. has developed an ad hoc system for operator safety; the Safe Work System is a device designed to ensure that maintenance operations can be conducted safely in environments contaminated by flammable or explosive mixtures. The system is a prevention solution that allows operators to safely carry out all maintenance activities with a reliable tool that is easy to manage.

I.S.I.F. considers the continuous improvement of its product design, prototyping and construction processes as essential in order to meet the demands of stakeholders in a competitive environment.
In 2015, a leading American multinational in the industry acquired I.S.I.F.’s intellectual property rights, which are summarised in 10 patents.

  • System Lock Line
  • Drilling System
  • Equipment for stopping fluids at low-pressures
  • Series of Fittings

Safe Work System

Types of services
  • Mechanical management of plugging system
  • Welding on pipelines contaminated by flammable and explosive fluids
  • Hot Tapping
  • Drilling